The Trend For Older Mothers

I am 50 years old and already looking for forward to a more peaceful life when I can retire. After three decades of long working hours and often having to do two jobs to pay the bills I would welcome more time and freedom to do the things I enjoy. I thought that most women in my position would feel pretty much the same but clearly they don’t. Whilst some of us are looking forward to slowing down others are trying to have babies!

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Late Mothers

There has been a huge increase in the number of women over 50 who are deciding to have children, sometimes a first child. IVF treatment has made it possible for women to give birth well into their 60’s but I wonder if this is really a good idea. The risks of complications during pregnancy are far greater, there is an increased incidence of Down syndrome in late pregnancies and when all’s said and done I wonder if some of the mothers later regret their decision when the full implications of motherhood hit home.

Beyond Imagination

I never had children and frankly looking back I can’t imagine how I would have managed to cope had I chosen to have a family. I barely seemed to have time to fit my life into the available hours as it was and certainly the thought of starting a family now fills me with horror. I have just reached the point where I have gained some sort of control over my time and the arrival of a baby would simply throw be back into the chaos I am trying to escape.

Health Issues

I can only begin to imagine what it must be like to be an older mother with failing health. Motherhood is challenging for women in their 20’s so how much harder must it be for those approaching retirement age? Whilst some women of a certain age remain healthy, active and youthful, many don’t and would these people really make suitable mothers? There are going to be a lot of kids who lose their mother’s when they are still children or teenagers and that is heart-breaking. I was 41 when my mother died and it still hurt like hell and so I don’t want to contemplate what it would have felt like had I been 15.

Longer Life

There is one bit of good news for older mothers. Research in the US suggests that they are four times more likely to live to 100. This is possibly because of a more active and busy lifestyle but you don’t need a child to have one of those. The research is interesting though and reinforces the fact that it is important to keep busy and challenged during your retirement. Ultimately it does you no good at all to spend your days lounging on the sofa and doing nothing in particular. The mind and body must be kept active.

Trial Run

I intend to keep busy during my retirement but not with a baby. The thought of finally finishing work only to endure sleepless nights and spending my days struggling with a screaming child and all their equipment fills me with horror. I think prospective older mums should have a trial run with a relative before they take the plunge!

Sally Stacey is a keen writer who is looking forward to a peaceful and childless retirement

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