MInd Your Health: The Many Benefits of Yoga

If you haven’t noticed, more people are trying to be healthy (or at least they know they should be trying). However, not as many people actually do something about it. Yoga is a lower-impact form of exercise that delivers a load of benefits for the mind, body, and soul. If you’re searching for a new hobby or lifestyle, and want to be healthy rather than just think about it, read about the following advantages of making yoga a part of your life. Consider joining a class and going on a retreat to meet like-minded people.

MInd Your Health: The Many Benefits of Yoga
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More Flexibility

Is it difficult to bend down to pet your dog? Has it been decades since you were able to touch your toes without bending at the knees? Yoga makes the body more flexible, which feels good and makes it more likely that you won’t pull a muscle while exercising.

Increased Strength

When was the last time you did twenty five pushups? Have you ever done that many? If not, yoga helps you gain strength, and after some time, you’ll be amazed at your level of muscle tone and ability to use your strength for other forms of exercise, chores, etc.

Added Energy

Do you experience a 3 o’clock slump during the workday? Is it difficult to get out of bed in the morning? If so, you may not be getting enough exercise (or sleep). Ironically, a regular regimen of exercise helps vitalize the body and provide you with added energy. You’ll find yourself getting less tired and more inspired throughout the day.

Faster Metabolism

When you exercise regularly, it speeds up your metabolism, essentially making your body a fat burning and energy storing machine. Combined with the right foods and eating smaller but frequent meals, yoga will help you shed fat while packing on lean muscle. Read more about the benefits of yoga and going on retreats at Blooming Lotus Yoga at Ubud.

Less Fat

If you’re increasing your metabolism, you’re conditioning your body to burn fat. If you have an issue with being overweight, a regular yoga regimen will help shed pounds while building muscle, which also burns fat. If you’re tired of your present body, all you need to do is commit yourself to going to yoga class several times per week.

Better Circulation

Do you notice those who exercise have a healthy glow? It’s not just a tan from jogging outside. Participating in forms of exercise is aligned with better circulation and respiration. The body’s systems work to refresh and revitalize the blood, which results in a better body from the inside out.

Improved Performance

Like martial arts or traditional sports like tennis or baseball, yoga practitioners get better with increased experienced. Moreover, you’ll find that your ability to perform more advanced yoga poses transforms into other areas of activity. For instance, if you play tennis, you may find yourself adopting a better serving form and a harder backhand swing.

Fewer Injuries

Increased exercise helps the body get stronger and makes it less likely that you will get injured. Increased flexibility means that you won’t pull or tear a muscle as easily. Likewise, better circulation means that your body gets better at repairing itself. It’s the reason athletes can perform at high levels on a regular basis while seldomly getting hurt.

Improved Esteem

Now consider the connection between the body and mind; if you’re exercising, shedding fat, and gaining muscle, you’re improving your appearance. An improved appearance makes you feel better about yourself. Moreover, being active and healthy has intrinsic value. You’ll feel good about yourself for choosing a healthier lifestyle. Don’t be surprised if you begin feeling inspired to tackle more goals at work and in your personal life the longer you practice yoga.

Great Sleep

Those who exercise regularly have little trouble falling asleep. It will be easier to get to bed at a normal time. Moreover, you’ll feel more refreshed and ready for the day upon waking in the morning. As long as you ensure you’re getting 8 hours of sleep per night, you’ll get a good night’s rest and stay feeling great.

More Friends

Yoga can be practiced alone, but if you attend classes at the beach, library, studio, or go on a retreat, you’ll invite opportunity to make friends. Even better, you’ll have a positive and healthy hobby in common with a group. You’ll be held accountable for continuing your practice of yoga; if you miss a few classes, your friends will ask where you were, which is motivating.

Sarah is a passionate yoga instructor and mother of 2. She is an avid blogger, health food fanatic and tree hugger. She regularly travels to teach and spread the benefits of yoga and meditation to help people heal and connect to their true self.

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