Your Baby’s Development in the First Years of Life – #Infographic

An important part of your baby’s development right after birth is cognition, as he or she begins to take in the outside world. All five senses are immediately tested and over time they become refined so that your baby can make sense of the information and process everything. For example from the time your baby is born until he or she is six months old, he or she will begin to differentiate between the tastes of food, differences in volume level, and changes in colors. Faces become more familiar as do places and sounds and your baby will start to understand what is going on around him or her. Physically, your child will develop motor skills such as grasping objects, rolling over and playing with their toys. The amount of changes early in life may be overwhelming to you as a parent, which is why it is good to learn about what you can expect. Take a look at the infographic below to see a breakdown of cognitive and physical changes to look forward to in your baby’s first two years.

your baby's development
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David Cormier is a designer for Cord Advantage, who are leading the way in affordable cord blood banking.

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