How To Relieve Foot Pain From High Heels

Wearing high heels is very popular among women as they enjoy the look and the feel of wearing them. In fact, they wear high heels despite the discomforts and foot problems associated with wearing them for a long time. This includes foot pain, bunions, corns and misshapen hammertoes.

Fortunately, there are some practical tips you can follow that will help reduce these issues.

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Massage and Cushion Your Feet

Massaging your feet on a regular basis helps to counteract the stress built up in the feet muscles from wearing high heels. Some great ways to relax your muscles through a massage includes rolling a golf ball across the bottom of your feet or using your favorite foot cream and using your hands for a deep soothing massage.

Using footpads such as silicone metatarsal pads is an effective way to absorb shock and relax your feet when standing (or dancing) for extended periods of time. Massaging also improves the blood flow in the nerves and nerve endings on your foot.


Even if it looks great, make sure the Shoe Fits!

Women who tend to wear high heels often, despite any pain and discomfort they may have, do so because they love wearing high heels. Some women even buy shoes that don’t even fit them but yet they have hopes that someday they will somehow fit. Instead, get to know your feet dimensions well and shop for properly fitting shoes that you can actually enjoy wearing.


Thicker Heels

A great way to provide better weight distribution on your feet is by using thicker heels. Thicker heels provide much better stability and help reduce problems with the Achilles tendon. Alternating heel heights is also good for relieving pain and discomfort on your feet. Occasionally wearing an orthopaedic shoe gives immense pain relief instead of continuously wearing high heels for hours. This is because they are low heel shoes that provide proper support for the heel and the ankle. Most women tend to ignore this because they actually hate to wear flat or low heel or leveled shoes.


Adjust your Center of Gravity

Over time, wearing high heels can really cause you to shift your center of mass forward. This ends up adding pressure on the knees, as women will tend to lean forward. Correcting your posture is effective in restoring your body’s balance and weight distribution.

The above tips will go a long way to enhancing the experience of women who wear high heels on a regular basis. These tips can also help others who are occasional high- heel users, who do not use high heels all day but only for special occasions like parties and dates. Keeping a realistic approach, and by keeping daily massages as a regular routine will counteract a lot of the pain and discomfort caused through constant use of high heels. These tips are practical and easy to follow, and will make your next night out at a party or any event a pleasantly memorable one, instead of a painful memory.

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I, Jane Willys, am interested in learning more about surgeries and also medical aesthetic procedures to achieve the look one desires. I am looking for a more renewed and positive attitude towards surgeries!

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