5 Wintertime Tips for Dry Eczema Skin

The winter season is intense even on the healthiest skin, so when you’re already suffering with eczema, the season can be brutal. However, if you follow the wintertime tips below, you can soothe your dry eczema skin and get the relief that you so desperately need to feel your best and to have skin that can look its best.

5 Wintertime Tips for Dry Eczema Skin
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Switch to a More Effective Skin Moisturizer

Not all skin moisturisers are created equal, and your typical cream simply won’t be effective enough when it comes to treating dry and irritated eczema skin in the winter. Giving a product like Emuaid cream a try will prove to you what a difference the right skin care product can make. This product, in particular, contains organic and natural ingredients, and it helps to heal inflammation, rashes, and sensitivity that result from conditions like rosacea and eczema. So, if you’ve tried other products without relief, you should make a switch this winter.

Always Wear Gloves When You Go Outside 

After you have properly moisturised your skin, make sure that you always wear gloves before heading out into the cold weather. Hand eczema, in particular, can get in the way of your everyday activities by causing peeling, blistering, and cracking. The simple act of wearing gloves will protect your skin from the harsh elements, as well as help to retain moisture in the skin. But because wool gloves could cause more irritation and itching, stick with other natural fabrics instead.

Invest in a Humidifier for Your Home and Office

Getting a humidifier for your home and workplace is a great way to counteract the dry air that’s produced by heaters in the winter and that can dry out your skin further and intensify your eczema. The key is to add humidity to the air in any room where you spend a lot of time, such as your bedroom overnight or your office by day.

Switch to a Gentler Cleanser

Another easy way to relieve your skin in the winter is by switching to a gentle cleanser. While harsher soaps may be more tolerable in the summer, the winter will often make your skin more sensitive. It’s a good idea to use a moisturising, gentle, non-soap cleanser that won’t dry out your skin even more than it already is. This means avoiding the use of anti-bacterial soaps and avoiding soaps that have fragrances, so start reading labels and opt for natural options with limited ingredients.

Try an Over-the-Counter or Prescription Strength Topical Steroid

Talk to your doctor about using a topical steroid to treat your eczema in the winter if none of the natural remedies and tips above help enough. These steroids can be particularly helpful if you are experiencing a flare-up, and prescription strength formulas can provide faster relief than over-the-counter hydrocortisone creams.

Following the tips above could help you get some much-needed relief this coming winter if you suffer from eczema. Taking care of your skin will help prevent symptoms before they start, and it can also prevent them from becoming more severe.

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