How New Moms Can Evaluate Their Baby’s Health Correctly

As a new mom, you may have a lot of worries about your baby’s health. Some websites and books may cause you to needlessly worry about your child. When you want to keep track of your baby’s health, follow these general guidelines.

How New Moms Can Evaluate Their Baby's Health Correctly
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Count the Baby’s Diapers

If you are nursing your baby, your milk will not come in for a few days. During the intermediate time, your baby gets colostrum. It is important to count your baby’s wet and dirty diapers during these early days. A newborn’s volume of urine is low, but you can tell if he or she has a wet diaper by putting a square of toilet paper into the diaper and checking for dampness.

Talk to a Lawyer about Birth Injuries

If you or your child experienced a birth injury, talking with a lawyer helps to protect your rights. Talk to a lawyer about birth injuries even if the doctors feel that the injury is self-limiting or will not have lasting impacts. Any injury requiring treatment or that could lead to a disability or developmental delay could have considerable impacts on health and well-being. You may have a limited time to file a lawsuit after the discovery of a birth injury.

Go for Regular Weigh-Ins

Babies should gain weight and grow longer at a rapid pace. Visiting the pediatrician’s, lactation consultant’s or midwife’s office on a weekly basis allows you to monitor your baby’s growth rate. So long as your baby stays on his or her growth curve, he or she should be healthy. If your baby suddenly slows down and falls off the growth curve, this could be a cause for concern.

Watch the Baby’s Overall Development

Pay attention to your baby’s overall development. There are general milestones that you should be aware of when it comes to your baby’s growth. For example, most babies show their first smile by the age of three months and can crawl by nine months. If your baby is not smiling by the age of six months or crawling by one year, you may need to see the pediatrician for a developmental evaluation.

You know your baby better than anyone else. If something does not seem right about your child’s health and development, ask the pediatrician. These specialists have seen it all when it comes to infant growth and development. They can evaluate your baby and let you know if there is a cause for concern about your child.

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