26 Reasons Why You Should Go Organic!

 26 Reasons Why You Should Go Organic!
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Sometimes it’s hard keeping up with all the new trends that sweep through social media, but one that seems to be standing tall amongst the others, is going organic! (Believe it or not.) Not only is it super popular nowadays, but there are many reasons as to why that is. It’s good for your skin, your hair, your nails, and your teeth. As well as all the internal benefits like lowering your chances of cancer, heart disease, and boosting up your immune system to fight off any infections. Plus, organic food will taste the way mother nature designed it to taste like. Smell the way it was designed to smell, and look the way it was designed to look. Because, well, it’s organic. But if you’re still not convinced – Here are 26 more reasons why going organic is the way forward.

26 Reasons Why You Should Go Organic!

  1. Organic food means that it has been grown without any synthetic chemicals, like pesticides, strong fertilizers, radiation, and any other added additives that are sprayed onto produce like fruit and vegetables before they are then shipped and sold in local supermarkets.


  1. Organic food was first brought to attention in the 1940s while the Green Revolution was going on. They started shedding a light on why pesticides aren’t good for us, and what other possibilities were out there as a pose to following the ‘norm’.


  1. Organic food is a lot better for your health because there’s nothing artificial that is corrupting the produce. It’s letting mother nature do the work rather than nasty chemicals that have been proven to increase the risk of things like cancer.


  1. You should expect to pay more money for organic food than you would for conventional food because it takes longer to produce and even lasts longer. Conventional food is rushed, and this is due to the chemicals used, working as a form of steroid to speed up the natural process.


  1. It’s better to buy organic food locally, rather than having it shipped in from another place. This is because long journeys will risk the food being contaminated from any pollution in the air. So the closer it is to you – the better. It also helps reduce environmental costs, as well as supporting local businesses in your area.


  1. Due to the pollution that’s all around, it’s impossible to have zero traces of pesticides, even in organic food. Studies have shown that while there may be 7% of detectable pesticides found in organic produce, there are at least 38% found in conventional food, and that’s only counting the small samples.


  1. It has been known for businesses to claim that their food is organic by sticking a label on it, when in fact it’s not. There is now a civil penalty that charges up to $11,000 for every single offence of this is made.


  1. It has been said that some part of the organic goodness actually comes from our own minds, otherwise known as the ‘halo effect’. So much so that we can alter tastes and even burn more calories than usual.


  1. Conventional fruit and vegetables that contain the highest levels of pesticides include apples, strawberries, grapes, lettuce, potatoes, celery, spinach, cucumbers, and blueberries. So if you only want to occasionally go organic – these are the things to want to opt for. Whereas onions, avocado, sweet potatoes, watermelon, mushrooms, and pineapple carry the lowest levels of pesticides.


  1. Some studies saw that organic milk isn’t a good idea due to the bacteria that reside in it, so regular pasteurized milk is still worth getting. But if you like to change it up once in a while, then you can opt for a fresh coconut drink instead. They are 100% organic, naturally sweet, and it’s a wonderful way of supporting the sustainable development.


  1. It isn’t as simple as just growing organic foods, and then calling them organic; they have to pass a test first. In order to have the right to label produce with “100% organic“, all ingredients must have been organically produced. Anything with the “Organic” label must have at least 95% of organic ingredients. And if it is labelled with “Made with organic ingredients”, then it has to contain at least 70% of organic ingredients.


  1. Copper solutions can be made by organic farmers, which can then be used to treat fungal diseases without the need for any other chemicals. Some farmers have even been able to create solutions that aid Parkinson’s disease.


  1. Conventionally farmed pork and chicken have 33% more chance to be ridden with bacteria that make us ill. Whereas organically farmed pork and chicken have good nutrients that can be found in antibiotics.


  1. If you have children, you should encourage the eating of organic foods, as a study has shown that the levels of pesticides found in their urine were drastically lower when doing so.


  1. Studies have shown that in 2011, pregnant women that were exposed to high forms of pesticides from conventional farming ended up having children with lower IQs than other kids their age.


  1. A lot of people think that by washing their conventionally farmed fruit and veg, it will wash off any pesticides from their skin, but unfortunately, that isn’t the case. Pesticides are absorbed right into the plant, so once they’re there – you’re stuck with them. Peeling the skin can lower the percent, but you also lose all the good nutrients and vitamins that reside in the peel.


  1. Conventionally farmed meat is a lot cheaper to buy because essentially the quality isn’t very good. It also contains bacteria that may not necessarily cause you harm, but your body could definitely do without it.


  1. Animals have a much better life experience on an organic farm than they do a conventional one. This is because they are able to eat what they would in the wild. Whereas most conventional farms (even when labelled free range) are required to eat certain foods that are designed to make the animal large and plump.


  1. Although very small, conventional produce have traces of chemicals that are deemed unsafe. And yet, the produce is still able to be sold in supermarkets because the residue is below the threshold.


  1. A study has shown that places in the world that don’t have pesticides, most of the produce is eaten by pests if not covered correctly. Whereas areas were pesticides are used, pests don’t seem to want to eat anything. This can only be down to the unnatural chemicals used on the food.


  1. Eggs that are labelled organic can only have this title is they come from organically raised poultry. In order to have organic poultry, they must be fed organic food, and for at least 6 weeks before they are due to lay their eggs. Do not mistake free range with organic though as these are two completely different things.


  1. Some people worry that because going organic is becoming so popular; farmers may not be able to keep up with the high demand. But another reason why organic produce is more expensive, is so that local farmers can extend their land and get more workers so that they can meet popular demand.


  1. It has been proven that a suspiciously large number of conventional farmers have been diagnosed with some form of cancer over the years, and this is put down to being in close proximities to numerous high levels of pesticides. Now with the sudden popularity of organic foods, the general life expectancy for organic farmers has been increased by 7 years compared to those conventional.


  1. Because a lot of high profiled celebrities are so open with their organic lifestyles, this tends to encourage a lot more people to really consider their eating habits. This has also become a great way to show children how important it is to know exactly what they’re choosing to put into their bodies by leading by example.


  1. It is very hard to start producing organic food. A lot harder than people would imagine, and this is down to where you live in the world, and what kind of area that is. Nearly 50% of organic produce failed to pass the test in Europe – not because they weren’t following the rules, but because their produce was being tarnished by other bacteria and chemicals in the air.


  1. Apples that have been grown conventionally would have been sprayed with over 30 different types of chemicals, up to 16 times before the apple is then put out for sale in supermarkets. Now if that doesn’t freak you out – what will?


So as proven, there are so many different benefits to going organic, whether that be for your health, your future, or even the environment that you live in today. Sure, it may mean paying a little more than you normally would if you were buying conventionally farmed produce, but as shown – there’s good reason to. It’s time to start caring more about how you treat your body, and now is a better time than any! It’s the start of a new year, so why not make it your start to a better life?


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