Summer Skin Care Tips

by Andy West

Summer means more time outside, soaking up the rays and enjoying the warm weather. And while getting extra vitamin D is good for us, all that extra exposure to the sun, sand and turf may not be the best thing in the world for our skin. But caring for your skin doesn’t mean staying indoors until summer is over. There are things that you can do to protect your skin and still enjoy the warm months of the year.

1. Loose clothing

If you wear tight clothing that doesn’t allow a lot of room for your skin to breath, then you are running the risk of getting a heat rash. Heat rashes are itchy and uncomfortable and can be easily avoided. Choose loose fitting clothes made of natural fibres to avoid heat rash.

2. Cover up

If you are planning on spending a lot of time out in the sun, make sure to cover up for at least some of that time. A long-sleeved shirt, sunglasses and wide-brimmed hat can help you fend off damaging UV rays.

3. Moisturize

You may think that you don’t need to moisturize during the summer, but you’re wrong. Your skin can dry out during the summer months, especially if you sweat a lot. Use a lighter lotion than you do in the winter months, and one that is preferably water based.

4. Avoid high sun

If at all possible, stay indoors during the hottest part of the day, usually between 10 am and 4 pm. Avoiding the hottest and sunniest part of the day means lessening your chances of getting a sunburn and damaging your skin. Even if you could stay indoors for a part of this time your skin will thank you.

5. Sunscreen every day

Get into the habit of putting sunscreen on everyday. For the best coverage, make sure it has an SPF of at least 15. Making it part of your morning routine will ensure that your skin will be protected from the damaging UV rays during your commute to work and any time you spend outside.

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6. Reapply often

If you plan on spending time outdoors, make sure to put your sunscreen on 15 minutes before you head out. And reapply often. Don’t just slap it on and then think that’s good enough. You should reapply your sunscreen ever hour or two, after swimming and after exercising. Reapplying your sunscreen regularly will help prevent you from getting burnt. This also includes overcast or cloudy days. You don’t need a bright, sunny day to get a sunburn and damage your skin.

7. Don’t forget your lips

Make sure that you use a lip balm with an SPF of at least 15. Lips can get burned, too. And as with your sunscreen, reapply often.

8. Exfoliate often

Your skin can get quite battered during the summer. Wind, sand, salt and sweat can create more dead skin than in the winter. Exfoliate a few times a week with a gentle exfoliate (sugar mixed in some almond or grape seed oil is perfect) to get rid of dead skin cells and make your skin glow.

9. Keep your makeup light

If you wear make-up, keep it light during the summer months. Instead of a heavy foundation that may not allow your skin to breath, use a tinted moisturizer or tinted sunscreen. Keep away from creamy eye shadows and lipsticks that can end up feeling and looking waxy in the warm weather.

Summer means warmer weather, longer days and more time spent outside. While you enjoy your time outdoors, make sure that your skin doesn’t end up paying the price. Be sun smart and skin savvy and you can enjoy the summer without ruining your skin.

Writer Bio:

Andy West is a freelance writer and has written on various topics including health and wellness and skin cancer prevention.

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