#Bloggers, Setup A Better Working Environment and Break Through Your Pain!

This post brought to you by American Osteopathic Association. All opinions are 100% mine.

As a person who has worked in a home office environment for several years, I know just how easy it can be to get stuck into bad working habits.  One of the major things office workers, at home agents, and we bloggers experience is chronic pain.  Whether it's in your back, neck, or shoulders setting up an ergonomic office envionment is key.  Another essential thing to consider is taking adequate breaks from work and walking around when possible to keep your blood flowing.


Accordin to a new survey from the American Osteopathic Association or AOA, "2 out of 3 workers have experienced physical pain in the last 6 months and nearly 1 out of 4 believe it's just a standard part of having an office job".  Having this thought process can be quite dangerous because it can cause you to ignore the tell tale warning signs and many times pain goes untreated.  If your pain is untreated for too long it can cause long term damage, resulting in chronic or reoccuring pain.

Now it's time to Break Through Your Pain and get into some better work habits.  If you have your own home office, you should consider the type of office chair you use, doing stretches, how long you stare at your monitor, your posture as you work and more.  If you work in a corporate office environment, cosider purchasing padding you can put in your chair to make it more comfortable, take breaks when you can to keep up that blood flow, don't focus on your screen too much… practice good office habits while being productive for your job.  At the end of the day, YOU are irreplaceable, so don't kill yourself trying to do your job.


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