The Top 5 Most Serious Dental Problems

Dental problems are never any fun; however, the good news is that many serious dental problems are easily prevented by practicing good oral health. Brushing twice a day, flossing your teeth daily and paying regular visits to the dentist for a check-up are all necessary for preventing serious dental problems from occurring. Learning about the most common serious dental problems and how you can best prevent them can go a long way when it comes to prevention and keeping your teeth healthy and strong.

The Top 5 Most Serious Dental Problems
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Bad Breath

Having smelly breath may not seem like a serious dental problem, however if you suffer from a persistent bad taste in your mouth or persistent bad breath, there is almost always an underlying serious dental condition to blame. Gum disease, decay, bacteria on the tongue, cavities and even oral cancer can all cause persistent bad breath.

Tooth Decay

Decaying teeth are a serious dental problem that can lead to a number of other health issues. Tooth decay, also known as cavities, is one of the most experienced diseases in the U.S., with the first being the common cold. Tooth decay occurs when plaque combines with the starches and sugars in the foods that we eat and produces acids which attack the enamel of the teeth. Thankfully, taking good care of your teeth each day can prevent tooth decay.

The Top 5 Most Serious Dental Problems
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Gum Disease

Studies have shown that those who suffer from gum disease are at a higher risk of experiencing a heart attack or stroke, making this a serious dental concern which could also lead to even more complicated or debilitating health issues. Gum disease is an infection of the gums around the teeth, and is one of the main causes of tooth loss in adults. Regular brushing and check-ups are essential to prevent gum disease.

Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a deadly and serious disease which affects millions of people. It has been estimated that in the U.S. alone, somebody dies every hour from oral cancer. Worldwide, over 300,000 cases of oral cancer are diagnosed each year. The good news is that when caught quickly and in the early stages, oral cancer is often highly curable – another reason to visit your dentist for a checkup regularly.

Broken Teeth

Breaking a tooth is one of the most common reasons why people visit Emergency Dentists USA, and having a dental emergency is never a nice experience. People can break their teeth in a number of different ways, with falls and accidents being one of the most common reasons for a broken tooth. Regardless of how a tooth breaks or cracks the nerves inside will be exposed, which is often highly painful and uncomfortable and requires immediate attention from a dentist in order to prevent any further damage from occurring.

Have you ever experienced any of the above serious dental issues? How did you resolve it, and what treatment did your dentist give or recommend? If you’d like to share your experience with us, we’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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