causesDonating your time is just as important as donating your funds. Your Life After 25 will collects donations for various philanthropic efforts, women’s shelters, women’s causes, etc… However, we also LOVE to get the community and YOU involved in helping out and volunteering where we’re needed.


Atlanta Day Shelter for Women & Children’s mission is to ease the burden of homelessness for women and children and to assist in establishing self-sufficiency by providing comprehensive education and supportive services in a manner that respects human dignity.

Click Here to Visit Atlanta Day Shelter For Women & Children






1 in 4 women is abused sexually by the time she reaches adulthood. In 2001, Wellspring Living, a 501(c)(3) organization, formed to help survivors of childhood sexual abuse overcome their broken pasts and move towards hopeful futures. Our mission is to confront the issue of childhood sexual abuse and exploitation through advocacy, education and treatment programs for girls and women. Our programs are a refuge for women and girls who need a chance to start over. Through therapy, education, life skills and spiritual renewal, the Wellspring programs give participants recovery tools for the body, soul and spirit.

Click Here to Visit Wellspring Living

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