How to Stay Alert While Driving Long Distances

Taking a road trip this summer? Among the things you’ll want to prepare for a safe journey, make sure you know what to do when you feel drowsy. One of the most common challenges of driving long distances is staying alert while on the road.

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Truck drivers are some of the best when it comes to safe driving techniques. I learned from some freight line specialists from 99 Truck Parts & Industrial Equipment Ltd that there are some common tricks that truckers use to stay alert while driving. Here are those tips:

Keep the Air Conditioner On

It’s easy to fall asleep when you feel cozy in the car, but it’s important to keep yourself alert and uncomfortable by keeping the air conditioner on. Allow yourself to get a few goose bumps, which will keep you alert and prevent veering off the road with the fan in your face.

Play Music

Stay distracted by playing music on the radio, which you can sing along to for a simple way of staying awake. You can also switch to a genre of music that you dislike, which will make it difficult to get comfortable with the poor choice of tunes. Don’t just listen, memorize the songs you listen to and sing with them. Doesn’t matter how your voice is. The stimulation of your brain will keep you awake!

Make a Phone Call

Keep your mind alert by having a conversation with a family or friend. Make a phone call to a relative or someone you need to catch up with, which can keep you engaged throughout the drive and also have someone to keep you company.

Stop for Breaks

Allow yourself to take a break every two hours, which can include using the restroom, stretching, and stopping for snacks. Avoid sugary beverages or heavy foods, which can put you fast asleep once getting back in the car.

Adjust Your Seat

Avoid getting too comfortable in your seat by putting it in an upright position that gives you an ideal posture. You’ll find it difficult to snooze when you’re not laying back on the headrest and you’ll also be able to have more control of the steering wheel.

Turn a Light On

When driving long distances at night, more people are prone to falling asleep due to the dark interior of the car. Keep yourself awake by keeping a light on overhead to prevent getting drowsy when the sun isn’t out.

When driving on a road trip or coming home for the holidays, you’ll want to stay alert while driving to reduce the risk of an accident. By practicing a few simple tips and keeping your mind occupied, it’s possible to feel alert and awake throughout the drive for a great way of reaching your destination safely.

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