Seven Signs of Cancer all Women Should Be Aware Of

Cancer in women can occur at any age. A majority of cancer cases, however, is seen women of 30-55 age groups. The body of a woman undergoes many major changes throughout life. After puberty, pregnancy, and menopause, a woman’s body goes through several hormonal changes. While some changes are normal, many can be adverse and sometimes even cancerous. The key is always to pay attention to see if there are any unusual signs. Here are seven signs of cancer that all women should know.

breast cancer
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Changes in the Breasts

One of the most common forms of cancer in women is breast cancer. Although many women notice lumps on their breasts at some point in their lives, most of the time they aren’t cancer. It is best to check with a doctor if you do have some suspicious lumps. If you find some unusual nipple discharge, inward turning nipples, redness in the nipple area, and skin dimpling on your breast, then contact your doctor immediately as well.


Between-Period Bleeding

Irregular periods are always considered unusual. If you are spotting very often, and even having two periods per month, you shouldn’t hesitate contacting your doctor. Unusual bleeding between periods can be a sign of uterine and endometrial cancer. Even bleeding after menopause is an abnormal sign. A high risk pregnancy specialist, Gilbert Webb at HealthGrades says it’s best to stay safe and ask a doctor if you have any strange bleeding especially if trying to get pregnant.

blood cancer plasma
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Blood in Urine or Stool

If you ever notice blood in your urine or stool that lasts more than a day, then talk to your physician right away. Although a bloody stool is almost always a symptom of hemorrhoids, it can be also the first sign of colon or kidney cancer.

Skin Changes

Skin cancer is another common form of cancer many women are susceptible to. Sudden appearances of moles, red scaly areas, and spots can be the first sign of skin cancer. Most of the time, these moles and spots grow in shape and size. A Biopsy and thorough exam will confirm if it is a sign of cancer.


Rapid Hair Loss

Stress is the major cause of hair loss. However, it can be a symptom of certain cancers too. If you experience rapid hair loss any time, contact your healthcare practitioner for a checkup and diagnosis.


Weight Loss

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Without changing your diet or exercise plan, if you lose more than 10 pounds at once, this could signal a problem rather than a happy accident. Thyroid disorders and cancers can manifest through rapid weight loss. You can get screened for cancer to see if the weight loss is something more.



A person with cancer often feels tired and fatigued, even without doing any strenuous tasks. Talk to your doctor is you face extreme tiredness. Also check if you have other cancer symptoms before going in.


Cancer is a serious problem and today there are many different medicines being used to treat it. Women can be susceptible to many different forms of cancer. Be sure you are always on the lookout for symptoms.


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