How Gerber’s 3rd Foods Lil Bits Help Babies Learn to Chew Textured Foods

Thank you to Gerber for sponsoring this post; all content and opinions are my own.

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One of the most stressful things for me when I was a new mom was starting solids (and bath time, but that’s a whole different story!). I was worried about everything from what foods to introduce in what order, how much to feed, food allergies, messes… you name it, it worried me. Most moms know that Gerber offers a large selection of food options for babies of all ages, straight into toddlerhood and beyond. Now they carry a new selection of foods to help babies learn how to mash and chew foods with texture – Gerber’s 3rd Foods® Lil Bits™ Recipes.

When babies aren’t introduced to foods that require some chewing before they reach 10 months old, they can experience difficulties transitioning to more advanced foods. Gerber’s Lil Bits were thoroughly tested to not only develop the perfectly sized bits to help babies master chewing, but to also ensure that the flavors were well received and baby-approved. You know those commercials of babies taste testing Gerber foods? They actually do that! For Lil Bits recipes, over 80 taste tests were held with over 700 samples given. The baby approved flavors include Apple Blueberry, Orchard Fruit Medley, Apple Banana, Banana Apple Strawberry, Pear Apple Berry, Island Fruit Blend and Banana Apple Mango, Mixed Carrots, Corn & Butternut Squash, Butternut Squash & Potato, Sweet Potato Apple Carrots & Cinnamon.
We got lucky with Sienna. She is not a picky eater and did very well when we introduced her to textured foods. Connor is coming up on starting solids soon (we are – much to the dismay of my husband and pretty much everyone else! – waiting until 6 months like we did with Sienna), and we will be including Gerber’s 3rd Foods® Lil Bits™ Recipes in the foods to try with him. Once again, I’m nervous about it, but I know Gerber’s options for babies will help make it easy again – and hopefully Connor will take after Sienna and not be picky!
Enter your little one into Gerber Chew University for a chance to win Class of 2015 Chew U prizes! You can enter daily, and their are 100 winners per day. Promotion ends September 4th, 2015.
This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Gerber.
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