Time For A Baby: Is Surrogacy the Right Option for You?

No woman likes to hear that she will not be able to conceive a child, however if you are facing the prospect of infertility, this does not mean that you can never become a parent. In fact, there are a number of parenting options available to you, including adoption and surrogacy. Surrogacy is a modern parenting option that more and more couples are using in order to become a parents, and if you’ve just found that your path to motherhood has taken a steep turn, it may be one option that you might like to consider. Here, we’ve explained the basics of surrogacy and reasons why you may wish to consider it.

Time For A Baby: Is Surrogacy the Right Option for You?
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What is Surrogacy?

Surrogacy is when another woman carries a baby for a couple who are unable to conceive a child or carry a child full term themselves. There are a number of reasons why couples might want to consider surrogacy, including a recent miscarriage, repeated IVF failure, premature menopause, or in the event of a woman having a hysterectomy or an absent or abnormal uterus that is unable to carry a fetus.

Is Surrogacy Legal?

Surrogacy is not against the law, however there are a number of considerations to keep in mind. Surrogacy should not be used for commercial means by a third party, i.e. there should be no ‘brokerage’ fees for connecting a surrogate with a parent. In some states paid surrogacy is illegal, therefore it is always best to check the surrogate law of your state before entering into a surrogacy contract. Different states have different laws regarding advertising, obtaining, and paying for a surrogate, whilst other states have various laws regarding who the legal parent of the baby is. For more information on legal matters, visit Ideal Legal Group.

Does Surrogacy Improve My Chances of Having a Child?

There are many different factors to take into consideration when opting for surrogacy as a way to become a parent. If you are infertile using a surrogate will greatly increase your chances of becoming a parent, however you will still need to consider factors such as the age and the health of the surrogate, how many children she has already given birth to and her ability to get pregnant, and the method used. There are a number of methods that can be used in order to impregnate a surrogate, from simply inseminating her egg with the father’s sperm or using methods such as IUI and IVF. The most important factor to a successful pregnancy is reported to be the age of the woman who provides the egg – so if you plan on using your own eggs, this is another factor that you will need to consider when it comes to the success of using a surrogate.

Have you used a surrogate before in order to become a parent? What did you like or dislike about the process, and is it something that you would consider again in order to have another child? We’d love to hear from you in the comments.

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