Protecting Your Investment: 4 Home Maintenance Pointers to Remember

If you own a home as a principal residence or as a rental property, you will want to take steps to protect that investment. This means performing both routine and emergency maintenance as required. Let’s take a look at a few items that you need to be cognizant of if you hope to keep your house in good shape for as long as you own it.

Protecting Your Investment: 4 Home Maintenance Pointers to Remember
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Don’t Forget to Landscape

A tree that is missing leaves or that is sagging could be dead or unstable. Dead trees may attract bugs while sagging trees could tip over and fall onto your roof or through your home. Tall grass is also attractive to bugs or animals such as mice or rats that will use it as protection against predators.

Have the HVAC System Inspected Each Year

At least once a year, you should have your HVAC system inspected and cleaned. If necessary, repairs should be made in a timely manner. This makes it easier to keep your home at a consistent temperature throughout the year. It also removes dust or other debris that could pose both a fire and a health hazard to yourself and anyone else who lives in the home.

Inspect the Roof Once a Year

The roof is one of the most important components of any home. It should be inspected annually by a professional like Ward Roofing or a similar business to ensure that it is in good working condition. An inspection should also be completed if you suspect water leaks, if shingles have blown off or if you’re think that there may be a pest infestation in or around the roof.

Clean Surfaces Within the Home Regularly

You should make it a point to take out the trash at least once a week, and the kitchen should be cleaned every night after dinner. It is also a good idea to vacuum floors and have your windows cleaned every couple of weeks. Dusting and sweeping floors and other surfaces that may attract dust should also be on your list of things to clean. Doing these things on a regular basis may improve the air quality in your home as well as prevent pests from seeing your house as a source of food.

Maintaining your home is one of the best ways to make sure that it retains its value for years to come. Whether you do decide to do the work or outsource to someone else, the goal is to get it done in a timely manner to keep costs as low as possible.

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